Helping others with chronic Lyme Disease

rediscover hope and jumpstart healing

through nutrition & lifestyle habits.

Hi!  I’m Laura, a certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) with an Autoimmune specialty and an Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) certified coach with two autoimmune diseases myself: chronic Lyme disease and Hashimoto’s.  My mission is to inspire and help others with Lyme go from just surviving day to day to enjoying life!  

Having Lyme disease doesn’t just impact us physically.  It turns our world upside down, and affects every aspect of our lives.  That was certainly true for me: 8 years ago I felt like it had destroyed my health and my life, and I didn’t know how to rebuild.   I share my entire Lyme story here.  

I understand how alone and defeated it can make you feel.  With Autoimmune Protocol, I discovered a personalized way of eating and lifestyle habits that supported my body’s healing and gave me my life back.  I believe it is the best nutritional and lifestyle program for those with autoimmune disease: helping our bodies heal from the inside out.  

My Lyme Lifestyle program guides you through AIP and helps you form a foundation of nutritional and lifestyle habits so you can rediscover hope and jumpstart healing!  Having chronic Lyme disease does not have to be a lifelong sentence of pain and fatigue.  You can heal!  You can feel better! Book a FREE consultation with me and find out how health coaching can help you reclaim your health.


  • Consulting

    Perfect for the person who has just been diagnosed or feels stuck in their Lyme journey and needs guidance on their next steps.

  • Lyme Lifestyle Program

    16 weeks of Autoimmune Protocol- a nutrition and lifestyle program designed for those with autoimmune disease.

Health Coaching is a special process that takes you from where you are, considers where you’ve been, and then moves you gently forward so that you can take control of your health. My style of health and nutrition coaching is unique in that I practice a method of coaching called Transformational Nutrition. It is the only coaching model that focuses on physical, mental, and spiritual healing. By focusing on all three areas of healthy living, you can transform your health and life at the same time.

My Turning Point

After years of aches and pains, I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease in August of 2016. I was relieved to be referred to a specialist who put me on a treatment plan that I hoped would mean the end of this mysterious illness and allow me to get back to my normal life.

Unfortunately after 18 months, my doctor looked at me and said, “I don’t know why you’re not getting better. There’s nothing more I can do for you.” I felt devastated, hopeless, and alone—with no idea where to turn for help.

I was almost bedridden with fatigue and pain, and I wanted my life back! Desperation quickly became resolve because I refused to accept that I couldn’t get better. I couldn’t let Lyme disease have the last word on what my life would be like.

I committed to nutrient dense food and daily lifestyle habits that supported my body’s healing and gave me relief from pain. Those habits became a lifestyle. I had less pain, more energy and I was able to enjoy my life again. Consistency paved the way to HEALING.

Now, as a CTNC and certified AIP coach, I teach others how to heal through nutrition and lifestyle habits like I did.

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